(One week later)

Corey stood in front of another door with Smile Reaper 2.0 in his hand while wearing nothing but boxers and also a headset on his neck.

He looked away from the door and looked at the door opposite it, a look of reluctance flashed in his eyes before he turned away from the door and faced the door in front of him with determination.

"Here goes nothing."

Corey said softly then brought out two small rolled pieces of cotton fabric which he was holding in his free left hand. He placed one piece of the rolled cotton fabric in one ear then put the other in another ear.

After doing that, he placed the headphones properly on his head, making sure it covered his ears properly.

"Come on Corey, you can do this. You've done this a thousand times."



Slapping himself, he shook his head and jumped a few times trying to shake off the nervousness he was feeling.

He released a breath then walked to the door, opening it and a world full of dark water appeared before Corey.

The water looked ominous like there was a terrifying beast lurking in it but Corey knew there was nothing in it except for two mermaid like creatures.

Corey decided to challenge the room that was filled with water and had two mermaid like monsters in it.

Honestly, it was not like he wanted to challenge this room, it was that he had no choice.


He wanted to challenge the monster with a goat skull as it's head but that monster was frightening to say the least.

Corey could not defeat the monster no matter what.

The monster was smart, fast, powerful and very, very experienced in combat.

No amount of trickery worked against that monster and all of Corey's gained combat experience were like child's play in front of the monster.

Corey spent three days fighting the monster but he could not defeat it no matter what.

His stats were lower and well, basically, he just could not defeat the damn annoying goat.

After realizing that he might have to spend half a month or even a month fighting the monster, Corey decided to face another monster.

Corey wanted to face a land type monster if possible but the only other land type monster he could face was the half-snake monster or the multiple hands monster.

Corey felt like the multiple hands monster or monsters was too powerful so he tried the snake-like monster but let's just say, it didn't end well for Corey at all.

Snakey was so powerful that Corey had no chance against it even in his focused state. In fact, Corey had no way of damaging the skin of the monster, it was as harder than diamonds.

Realizing that he wouldn't be able to kill Snakey unless he gets stronger, he had no choice but to go for the mermaid like monsters.

If possible, he would not want to fight the mermaid monsters because they were going to fight inside water and humans were definitely not aquatic creatures.

Although he knew that fighting in an aquatic environment would be difficult, Corey was stubborn and learnt how to fight in water to a certain extent or to be more precise, he didn't actually learn how to fight in water.

He just found a way to kill the mermaid like creatures in the ocean.

He just hoped everything would go well.

Taking in a deep breath, Corey observed the water in front of him, making sure that the two mermaid like monsters were not close.

After seeing that that the coast was clear, he took in a deep breath, held his breath then walked into the water, bypassing the barrier that was keeping the water from flowing outside.

As he stepped inside the water, all he could see was darkness for a moment before his eyes glowed and his night vision skill was activated, granting him the ability to see.

Just as he was waiting for the monsters to appear, he remembered something.

He turned back and quickly closed the door behind him.

'Can't have any of the monsters escape.'

Corey thought and just as this thought passed through his head, he felt the water behind him getting disturbed.

He turned and low and behold, two identical mermaid like monsters appeared before him with the only difference between them and a mermaid was that they had tentacles instead of a large fish fin as their feet.

The moment Corey saw the tentacle mermaids he didn't want to waste anytime since well, his breath was limited.

He willed for the camera he got from the camera monster to appear from his inventory.

In the next second, it appeared and Corey quickly pressed the flash button of the camera.



A white light flashed in the surroundings, illuminating the dark water for an instant.

The moment the white light disappeared, Corey whose eyes were opened throughout observed the tentacles mermaids.

He noticed that the tentacle mermaids had dazed and confused expressions which did not surprise Corey since he knew how powerful the camera was.

The camera was an object that could cause illusions if one looked at the white light that flashes whenever it was used.

Although it could cause illusions, the duration of the illusions and whether the illusions would work depended on how powerful the mental strength and defense of the enemy and the user were.

Yes, you read it right.User.

The camera also affects the user and if the user's mental strength or defense was weak, then he or she would also be affected by the illusions.

But that did not apply to Corey since his intelligence was almost high enough to ignore the camera and he also had the mental manipulation resistance attribute even if it was level 1

Corey was not sure whether the camera would work on the tentacle mermaids because the tentacle mermaids were level 110 tier 1 creatures.

Although Corey was worried, after Corey tried it in The Library Of Records, all his worries were for naught because the camera worked, but it only worked for three seconds.

And those three seconds were extremely vital to Corey.

Corey stretched out his right hand and activated the Cursed Dryad's Ring.

Some amount of mana was expended from his body and a magical dark grey root appeared in the water.

Corey controlling it with his mind quickly sent it to one of the tentacle mermaids which was still dazed.

He wrapped the tree root around the tentacles of the mermaid and quickly controlled the root, bringing it back to him with the mermaid attached.

A second was left before the dazed expressions of the tentacle mermaids ended and just as the second was over, the tentacle mermaid was at arm's length.

The tentacle mermaid having recovered from the illusion had a look of confusion as it noticed it's situation.

It looked around and just as it did, it noticed a pointy object coming straight at it's head.

It tilted it's head in confusion, wondering what it was but that was it's last thought and sight.


Blood spilled, dyeing the dark water red as the life from the tentacle monster slipped away.

Corey removed Smile Reaper 2.0 from the head of the tentacle mermaid, put it's corpse inside his inventory so that it would not float away, then looked at the last tentacle mermaid which had an expression of shock.

'Here it comes.'

Corey thought then returned the camera into his inventory. He then used his left hand to press the left part of the headphone to his ear tightly.


A scream louder than a bashee shook the waters immensely. Intense ripples formed across the water and Corey groaned as his body vibrated due to the intense scream.

As Corey was enduring the pain his ear and body was going through, he could not help but thank his tiny luck that his bones were now bronze, because if his bones were normal, he was sure his bones might develop some fractures or be damaged in some way.

Five seconds later, the scream ended and Corey's right ear bled and his hands trembled slightly. His body was in pain but he ignored it and looked at the tentacle mermaid which was now exhausted.

This was his chance, he could not waste it.

He activated the Cursed Dryad's Ring once again and brought out another dark grey root.

The tentacle mermaid seeing the root tried to flee but Corey knowing he could definitely not allow that to happen summoned the camera and just as the tentacle mermaid was about to flee, he clicked the flash button.

A white flash illuminated the surroundings causing the tentacle mermaid to fall into an illusion once again.

Knowing his time was limited, Corey quickly controlled the root to wrap around the tentacle mermaid and pulled it towards himself.

Just as the monster was close to Corey, it woke up, breaking the illusion early due to the anger and hatred it had towards Corey for killing it's sister.

Not that Corey would care.

Corey was slightly surprised seeing the tentacle mermaid break the illusion early.

Although he was surprised, he was undeterred. He gripped Smile Reaper 2.0 tightly, ready to plunge it into the tentacle mermaid, killing it like it's sister.

But just as the tentacle mermaid was close, it screamed once again causing Corey to grimace.

His body shook and his ears bled the more but he was so close to killing the monster so he withstood the pain and waited for the monster to get close.

A second later, it got close enough and Corey stabbed it, piercing it's head with Smile Reaper 2.0.

"Phe- Hmm."

Corey tried to release a breath of air but he stopped, temporarily forgetting that he was not on land and he was currently holding his breath.

He spent a few seconds to calm himself down since his body was still in slight pain. He looked at the corpse of the tentacle mermaid which was slowly sinking.

Not wanting to lose his loot, he quickly caught it and put it in his inventory.

He looked around, making sure he didn't miss anything and after a few seconds, he noticed that the water was calm and empty.

'Well that was easy.'

Corey thought and just as he did, he felt something wrap around his ankle.


He looked down and noticed a… tentacle? wrapped round his right ankle.

Just as he was wondering what the thing around his feet was, an irresistible force pulled him, down to the bottom of the ocean.

Corey's eyes widened with shock and fear.He tried to resist but the force was so strong that he was helpless against it.

'Fuck me and my stupid thoughts!!'



So you guys, currently I'm shedding tears of joy.

So much tears of so much joy.

Y'all are the best, truly truly the best.

Do you know why y'all are the best?

Now, yesterday, I had four extra chapters which I planned on using for privileged chapters.

But, you see, y'all reached the 30 power stones target which made me really happy.

So I released two chapters yesterday ( One bonus and normal chapter.) which means I had two extra chapters left.

Now, I honestly thought that was all the bonus chapter I was going to release yesterday but imagine the shock I had when I was about to sleep yesterday and I saw that Michael Copeland dropped 4 golden tickets yesterday.

I was happy, extremely happy but then I realized that the golden ticket target was also reached and I was like: 'Another bonus chapter?'

'Alright, no problem. I'll release it when I wake up tomorrow since I'm extremely tired.'

So that means I have only one extra chapter left.

It has reduced but there's no problem, people are voting for my book which means that they like my book which also makes me happy.

Now, I slept and when I woke up, I checked the app and I was absolutely, totally gobsmaked when I saw that you guys reached the 60 power stone target.

'Am I tripping?'

That was honestly what I asked myself.

Like no jokes, I asked myself that.

So because of that, my last extra chapter was *poof*, gone, disappeared.

I had to quickly write the normal chapter for today because of that.

So now, after everything I've said, I have a few things to say.

They're very important, so please don't skip.

FIRST AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, THANK YOU ALL for voting, like I really, really, really mean it.

Thank you so much.

You might think with what I wrote before I was maybe depressed, angry or frustrated that you guys voted.

No, no, no. I'M NOT. I was really really happy.

So a big thank you from me to everybody that read my book, drop comments, vote using power stones, vote using Golden Tickets and also thank you to make_out09 for dropping gifts, really appreciate it man.

SECOND: A big thank you to Wentthereinwinter for dropping I think 6 golden tickets?

I was surprised man, thanks a lot.

Like I promised, your name would be in my book. Also if you have an ability or wish you specifically want, tell me and we can talk about it. If you don't, don't worry, I'll think of one for you.

So people, Wentthereinwinter is the FOURTH PERSON to drop at LEAST TWO Golden Tickets.

Only one spot left, if you want your names in the novel, you can drop two or more golden tickets, OR be among the first FIVE people to drop gifts worth at least 5,000 coins.

Now, THIRD: I am once again increasing the power stone requirement for a bonus chapter.

The number of collections have increased and I really, really want to finish writing most of the privilege chapters before March 20 because that's when I resume school and I won't have time to write so much in school.

So now the power stone requirement is: 100 Power Stones for 1 Bonus Chapter.

Which means:





And so on.

Right now I have 61 power stones. So when it reaches 100 power stones, I'll drop a new bonus chapter. Then the next requirement would be 200 and following that would be 300 and so on.

Yes I know that the increase is much, like a lot but I want to write the privilege chapters down.

Please know that it's not like I don't want to give you guys bonus chapters and it's not that I don't want you guys to vote for me.

I really do, I really want you guys to vote for me. I don't know how to put it into words, so you know what, just vote using power stones, golden tickets and drop gifts.

I appreciate every single one of them, no matter how small.

The Golden Ticket requirement is still the same by the way.

Later people.

And Have a nice day/night.
