'Shit, Shit, Shit.

Not again!

Why does this keep on happening to me?!'

Corey wailed internally as he was pulled to the bottom of the water.

He removed Smile Reaper 2.0 and slashed at the tentacles, hoping it would cut it off but,


The sound of metal hitting metal resounded in the water as Corey looked at the tentacle with disbelief.



Why in the world are you hard like metal?!'

Corey had to urge to curse out loud, but knowing that doing that would be stupid and cause his situation to become worse, he kept his mouth shut.

He put Smile Reaper 2.0 in his inventory and bent, trying to reach the tentacle that was wrapped round his ankle tightly.

It was difficult but he finally reached it.



A muffled groan escaped Corey's lips as he tried to pry the tentacle open, no matter how small, so as to have a chance of escaping.

But despite trying so hard, he could not pry the tentacle open at all.

He tried and tried again but it was like him trying to bend metal with his pre-apocalyptic strength.

It was impossible.

He stopped and looked down.

'What the fuck is pulling me down?

Is it the mother of those mermaids?

An octopus?

Am I going to be-'

Corey dared not complete his bone chilling thought. The mere thought of him completing that thought sent shivers down his spine.

The gears in his mind worked at full speed, trying to think for a way out of his dangerous situation.

Three seconds later, he looked at his right ankle with a conflicted expression.

'Should I?'

Corey thought and his face contorted with an extremely conflicted and painful expression.

The only method he thought of which could help him in this situation was to cut off his right feet and ankle.Doing that would grant him freedom but it would cripple him.

Probably for life!

If it was his hand or something else, he might not be so conflicted in sacrificing it but his leg?

He would not be able to walk again!

If he could not walk, he would not be able to fight!

And if he could not fight, he would not be able to meet his family and grow stronger!


I have to think of another way!'

Corey thought with a slightly crazed expression.


Entering his focused state which would enable to think much faster, his mind worked extremely fast and within a second, he thought of something.

Deactivating his focused state, he looked at the ring of mimicry on his right finger, a hint of hope and anxiousness in his eyes.

'Please work.'

He activated the ring and closed his eyes.

His mind forming an image of what he wanted from the ring.

According to the useless Universal System, the ring of mimicry gave the user of the ring the ability to mimic most inanimate objects.

What the useless Universal System did not say was how the user would mimic objects.

Would he/she turn into the objects?

Was it just an illusion?

Or would the desired inanimate object appear from thin air?

Corey was curious about this when he wanted to test the ring in The Library Of Records and when he did, he was shocked by what the ring of mimicry actually did to the user.

When Corey decided to use the ring of mimicry in The Library Of Records, he decided to use it to mimic a steel pole.action

He didn't have any idea what to turn into so he just tried to turn into that.

When he activated the ring to mimic a steel pole, he was shocked that his body became tougher and tighter like a steel pole. He tried to move in that state but when he did, he felt his body go back to normal and the ring got deactivated.

Corey was surprised by the ability of the ring after his body was back to normal. When he felt like a steel pole, he noticed that his body did not turn into a steel pole, it just felt like a steel pole.

Corey did some experiments after that by turning into various inanimate objects, and from his experiments, he realized a few things.

First, the user would feel like the inanimate object the user desires to turn into.

Second, if the user moves when in his/her inanimate form, the ability of the ring would be cancelled and the ring would need to be 'recharged' in 24hours. Though the user can make move his/her head but not rapid/fast movements.

Third, the user would not only feel like the animate object, he/she might gain the properties of that inanimate object while in that form.It was this third observation from using the ring that Corey was currently depending on.

He activated the ring and formed the image of a balloon.

The moment he did, he felt uncomfortable when it felt like his body suddenly expanded, he opened his eyes and looked down at his body.

His body definitely did not get bigger or expand, it just felt bigger to him.

Just as Corey was trying to get used to this new sensation, he felt the tentacle holding his ankle slip off him.

He moved his head downwards slightly, trying to see the tentacle but when he did, his eyes widened and his heartbeat quickened. His body almost shot upwards, instinctively trying to escape.

Beneath him, probably around 200m or more, was a large octopus with multiple eyes and tentacles on it's body.

The tentacle that was like a leash which was pulling him down was currently moving around erratically, probably trying to find the target which it lost.

The giant octopus beneath Corey, although it obviously had no expression, Corey felt it was also confused since it lost it's prey.

Meanwhile Corey who was now floating upwards, due to him having the characteristics of a balloon dared not to move a single muscle for two reasons.

One, if he moved, the ability of the ring would be deactivated.

Two, he just found out something extremely frightening.

His record ability was not recording the giant octopus beneath him at all. Which meant that the giant octopus was above tier 1.

Just that thought sent chills down Corey's spine and he could not help but curse his luck.

'Goddess of Luck why have you abandoned me?!'

Wailing internally, Corey truly became an inanimate object and did not move at all. His eyes were glued to the giant octopus which was now beginning to lose interest since it could not find it's prey anymore.

Ten seconds later, Corey could no longer see the giant octopus due to him floating upwards.

He still remained motionless despite the giant octopus been out of his sight. It wasn't until one minute later, that he moved but not so much that he would deactivate the ring's ability.

He sighed softly then looked around.

'This place is actually so dangerous.

Is a dungeon like this meant to be so dangerous?'

Corey pondered but just as he was pondering, he realized something and his face became as white as snow.

'Where is the door?'

Corey thought but could not find the door which was the only exit to this dangerous water.

He looked around but he found nothing but water around him.

The door was lost

Or to be more specific,

Corey was lost.


[A/N: For those of you that skipped the important info in the previous chapter.

Power Stones is now required for one bonus chapter.

You want to know the reason?

Go to the previous chapter and read it.]
