Fighting the next monster which was the monster with multiple hands was something that confused Corey till now, not only did it confuse Corey, it was honestly the most dangerous fight Corey had ever fought.


Because he was caught in an unexpected situation where he was unable to utilize the virtual space of The Library Of Records like he did for the previous monsters.

When he used the binoculars to try and record the multiple hands monster while staying behind the door, he was shocked and spooked when he saw the body which was producing and controlling the multiple hands.

It was a little girl which had black hollow eyes and a small creepy smile. The multiple hands were protruding from her back causing anyone to grimace in disgust.

Corey got the chills when he saw the monster and what spooked him the more was when the little girl abruptly turned it's head towards him, almost like it could sense and see him.

Corey was extremely shocked when he thought it could see him or sense him but when it turned it's head away a few seconds later and started walking round the room with multiple hands protruding from it's tiny back, Corey felt disgusted seeing the protruding multiple hands.


After pushing back his disgust, Corey sat and started recording the monster which he decided to call to Little Freak.

He spent a few days fighting Little Freak in The Library Of Records which was in a way difficult and not difficult in Corey's opinion.

The only ability Little Freak had was the multiple hands which was honestly dangerous for somebody that was not fast, strong and skilled enough to handle the hands.

Corey died quite a few times, okay not a few, a lot, he died a lot of times since the number of hands Little Freak could produce and control was 50.

Corey had to enter his focused state to be able to keep up with the hands since they were faster, stronger and had extremely high defense.

Aside from Focus, Corey had to rely on four skills to kill Little Freak.


The Foundation Spear Techniques, Vibration Manipulation, Average Regeneration and Lightning Movement Art.

The Foundation Spear Techniques helped him not to make unnecessary movements when using the spear to destroy the hands.

Vibration Manipulation helped him to cause more damage to the hands whenever he struck with them with the Ancient Spear.

Average Regeneration helped him in healing the injuries he sustained from Little Freak.

And Thunder Step from the Lightning Movement Art increased his speed when he moved to kill Little Freak after reducing the number of hands.

At this point, after killing Little Freak, Corey moved towards Little Freak wanting to take his loot but when he moved towards Little Freak, he saw the body of Little Freak turn to ashes leaving behind nothing.

He was stunned and just before he could get out of that stunned state, another shocking thing happened to him.

The floor around him cracked then broke into many pieces causing Corey to fall much to his shock and fear.

Corey was afraid what happened the time when he fought the tentacle mermaids where he got lost and could not find the door which led back dormitory would happen again.

He did not want to think that he would find somebody like the old man this time around, he did not want to depend on luck.

At that point in time, when Corey was about to turn and check if he was falling into a bottomless abyss, he actually hit something hard causing him to curse since it was so abrupt and he was not prepared for the hard landing.

After he regained his bearing, he looked around expecting the worst but he was stunned when he saw that he was in another room which looked like the parlor of a house.

He looked up and saw the room he fell from with some parts of the floor dropping in the parlor he was in.

Corey looked around wondering where the fuck he was and if there was danger but he saw no sign of danger after carefully observing the room.

He even jumped into the room he fell from and walked on the parts of the floor which did not get destroyed.

After carefully navigating the floor, he reached the door which led back to the dormitory and much to his relief, he could go back to the dormitory but just as he was about to walk back through the door, he stopped.He was curious about what was outside the house and if there was maybe a treasure outside or something that would make him stronger.

He knew that there might be something dangerous outside but his curiosity got the better of him and he jumped back down to the parlor of the house.

Corey was not greedy for the supposed treasure, no he was truly just curious.

If there was one thing Corey did not have at all, it was greed.

In fact, he could not understand the concept of greed and why people would be greedy for something they already have.

But who was to say that curiosity was not as dangerous as greed.

What was the saying?

Curiosity killed the cat?

And yes, Corey's curiosity almost killed him.

In fact, if not because of his skill, average regeneration, he would definitely be a corpse right now.

Corey remembering what happened to him after he left the house made him shiver subconsciously, it was something he never wanted to experience ever again.

Now back to the memories.

After Corey jumped back down to the parlor of the house, he stood in front of the door which led outside with furrowed brows.

He just had a feeling, just that feeling that something bad was going to happen to him after he opens the door.

Why did he have that feeling?

Was it because of his danger sense skill or just one of those inexplicable feelings of something just not been right?


It was because of Corey's past experiences with doors that he was suspicious.

Doors definitely hated him and he hated them also.

He decided to listen to his gut so he brought out the binoculars and used to see what was outside.

He didn't really know what he was expecting to be outside but the moment he looked outside and saw what was outside, he was stunned.

What was outside the house?


Extremely thick fog.

Corey could not see past a meter from the house due to the fog. As he looked at the fog which looked extremely ominous, he was wondering if he should still go outside the house so as to satiate his curiosity.

After watching and observing outside through the window for an hour, Corey decided to go out since he didn't notice anything dangerous outside.

Corey then walked towards the door and after taking a deep breath while bringing out the ancient spear from his spatial ring, he opened the door a little and peeked outside, just to be sure there were no surprises and luckily or unluckily for him, there were no surprises.

Seeing nothing but fog outside, he frowned but still decided to go outside. But just as he was about to walk away from the door, he stopped then looked at the door, wondering how he would find his way back to this house in case he got lost.

He didn't want to experience what he experienced in the planet where the old man was located, so he thought on what he could do to not get lost.

A few minutes later, his eyes lit up as he remembered his talent skill, Record.

If he ever got lost, he could check The Library Of Records and look at the path he took after he left the house or if something went wrong and he had to escape, he could use it to trace back his steps.He didn't realize it previously but Record was a very good backtracking skill.

Knowing he had a way to locate the house in case he got lost again, he walked outside while holding the ancient spear in a way that would enable him to react the moment he sensed danger.

He kept on walking for at least fifteen minutes with nothing but fog and other buildings all around him, making Corey to think he was probably in some kind of olden days settlement because of the designs of the buildings.

As Corey was looking at the buildings wondering where he was, he noticed something strange.

He looked at his hand and he saw his hand sizzle slightly, like it was getting burned by acid but just as his hand got injured slightly, it healed.

He looked at his other arm and saw the same thing occur. He touched his neck and also felt it sizzle slightly before getting healed. He looked at his clothes and saw it getting corroded slightly.

He was confused for a few seconds wondering what was causing his body to sizzle, then his eyes landed on the fog.

Just as he was thinking of returning since it seemed there was nothing and the fog actually had corrosive properties, a crack resounded in the surroundings and Corey looked down.

Beneath his feet was a skull which he had unknowingly crushed.

As Corey looked at the skull with surprise and shock, he saw the remaining body which was just bones.

Corey was stunned just for a second seeing the skeleton before he looked around in caution in case there was danger, but when he did, his eyes widened.

So many human skeletons were around him. As he looked at the skeletons he noticed three things.

First, the clothes of the skeletons seemed like it was corroded.

Second, he could see that the buildings around him and the skeletons were in ruins, even the ground was in ruin with large and small pits on various parts of the road. There were also sword marks on the ground.

The third and most shocking thing he discovered was that some of the skeletons had two swords beside them and the swords were extremely familiar to him since it looked like The Twin Fog Swords he had.

Despite some looking corroded, he could not mistake the Twin Fog Swords since he had used it an uncountable number of times in The Library Of Records.

Just as he was wondering what the hell was going on, he heard a sound and he looked up, and once again his eyes widened but this time, not only with shock, it widened with fear.

With his heart beating way faster than a horse on steroids, as Corey looked up, he could see a thing he could not even begin to properly describe with words.

It was a monstrosity among monstrosities, an abomination among abominations, the most accursed creature among all accursed creatures.

Floating in the sky above him was something like a titanic centipede spraying something a dark fog opposite where he was, but this centipede looked nothing like a normal centipede.

This titanic centipede was so huge that Corey was like an ant to it. It also had numerous human arms and hands as it's legs, and on this creature's back were pulsing tumors but this tumors were also not normal tumors, it had faces of beasts, humans and various other races he had never seen before on the tumors.

This faces were all groaning and crying in agony and Corey at first wondered why he could not hear the cries and groans but the more he looked at the faces, the louder the groans and cries of the faces appeared in his mind.

He groaned then blocked his ears but he could still hear it. It was like it was transmitted to his mind directly, so he quickly looked away from the monster and it got slightly better.

After he got used to the sounds after a few seconds passed, his left eye changed as numerous rapidly changing symbols, numbers and letters appeared in it.

Corey looked at the name of the abomination on top of him and when he did, his mouth twitched.

[Tier 1, Level 199 Demi-Cosmic Fog Devourer]

And just as he looked at it, he heard extremely loud whistling sounds in his mind and he looked up.

When he did, his mouth twitched once again.

"Fuck doors and the god of doors."

Blaming his current situation on the god of doors and all doors, he cursed as he looked at the Demi-Cosmic Fog Devourer which was also looking back at him.


[A/N: This is the bonus chapter for reaching 200 power stones. Thanks a lot for dropping power stones guys.

Also, I just remembered something which I had actually forgotten and I decided to remind you guys.

Don't forget that the first five people to drop gifts worth at least 5,000 coins would get a character in the novel and the wish they want.

Not only that, I'll also drop bonus chapters for every 5,000 coins.]
