After Corey realized that the titanic abomination above his head had noticed him, he ran at his fastest speed towards the house which led back to the dormitory.

But just as he was running, he felt an intense sensation of danger and he looked up.

His eyes widened uncontrollably when he saw a black fog been emitted at the head of the abomination. Not wanting to test whether the black fog was dangerous or not, he cursed then ran to the closest building which was not totally destroyed.

Shutting the door as he entered the house, he quickly ran to a room which was nearby and luckily for him, the room was what he wanted, a bedroom. He looked around and noticed a wardrobe, he quickly ran towards it and entered.

Just as he did, he saw a black mist enter the room at an extremely fast speed from the open windows. He shut the wardrobe doors, hoping that it would be able to keep the black mist from entering the wardrobe.

He just had a bad feeling about the black mist and didn't want to take his chances with it.

Holding the ancient spear tightly since it brought a degree of safety to him, he looked at the wardrobe door, waiting to see if the black mist would seep in.


And surprisingly, after waiting for a few seconds, he was surprised and relieved when no black mist entered the wardrobe.

He relaxed slightly, thinking he had some time to think of what to do but just as he did, the wardrobe tumbled violently causing Corey to slam into the door, opening it in the process.

A splashing sound resounded and Corey shook his head to rid himself of his dazed state. He looked around and when he did, he was stunned and his mouth twitched multiple times before he just heaved a tired sigh.

He stood and the splashing sounds resounded once again, he looked down and saw his leg almost knee deep inside a blue liquid which he guessed was the stomach acid of the abomination.


Corey was inside the stomach of the Demi-Cosmic Fog Devourer.


It was absurd thinking about it but he was swallowed by the monster, but would he panic?


He had been in way too many dangerous situations for him to panic just because of this.

As long as he was alive and he was not facing a being like the old man or a tier 2 creature, he would not give up.

He looked around trying to figure out his environment before he acted.

As he looked around, he saw various rubbles of broken and destroyed buildings and other materials. He even saw the house and wardrobe he hid in which was now broken into numerous pieces.

Not only did he see debris of buildings and various other things, he also saw many bones and corpses of humans, different types of beasts and also races he had never seen before.

As he was observing the houses, bones and corpses, he noticed that the houses, bones and corpses were sizzling and melting at a slow rate which confused him since he didn't feel like his legs which was in the stomach acid was melting, but when he looked at his legs, his heart skipped several beats.

His legs were actually melting but as it was melting, it was also healing but as Corey kept on looking at it, he felt that if he kept on staying in the stomach acid, his average regeneration would eventually not be able to keep up and his legs would suffer terrible damage.

He looked around then jumped unto the nearest debris which was large enough for him to stand on and also high enough so that he would not touch the liquid anymore.

His mind spun as he kept on looking around and a few seconds he looked up and saw an opening.

He sighed softly then jumped from one debris to the other before he got close to the inner skin of the centipede.

He climbed up till he reached the opening and after reaching the opening, he landed on a flat surface and continued climbing up.

What was his reason for climbing?

He wanted to kill the monster.

Corey did not have plans on escaping through the mouth or asshole of the monster, if it had one, since in a way, this was an opportunity for him to kill the monster.

There was no way he could fight this monstrosity outside. The Demi-Cosmic Fog Devourer was so huge that Corey was literally an ant before it.

If he tried to attack the monster with his spear, the damage caused would not even be up to an injury caused by stabbing a toothpick into the skin of a human.

So Corey knowing this was his chance, did not want to waste this opportunity and so he decided to kill the monster by looking for it's heart.

He was not sure if the heart was located in the upper part of the monster or the lower part, so he planned on checking the upper part first before checking the lower part, if he didn't find the heart.

A few minutes later, Corey who was hanging like a monkey on a muscle like 'material' of the Demi-Cosmic Fog Devourer had a deep frown as he looked at the front.

In front of him was the same black fog which the Demi-Cosmic Fog Devourer released from it's mouth, but there was something different in the black fog.

Corey could see so many ghost like entities in the black fog. They looked like the souls of numerous beings that have been devoured by the abomination.

Now, the problem Corey was facing was that, he could see in the distance, at least 100m away from him, a pulsing black heart with purple lines on it, emitting the black fog.

Corey's frown deepened and he wondered if he should continue with his plan of destroying the heart since, well, it seemed impossible with the amount of ghost monsters in front of him.

He looked at the heart then the ghost monsters in front of him for a few seconds before he sighed and gripped the ancient spear tightly.

He jumped down from the 'branch' holding him and the moment he did, the ghost monsters noticed him. They roared then charged at him.

Corey cranked his neck to the left and right, then ran to the ghost monsters with the ancient spear in his right hand.

He decided to fight the ghost monsters because he was worried that if he eventually found a way to escape from the insides of the Demi-Cosmic Fog Devourer, it might notice him and attack him once again, leaving him helpless since Corey truly did not know, if there was a way to kill this thing from the outside, in fact, he felt that the only way to kill it was through the inside.Not wanting to depend on luck that the abomination wouldn't notice him if he's able to leave, he decided to attack the heart.

So with determination and cold eyes, Corey ran towards the ghost monsters and when they were within the ancient spear's reach, he performed a sweeping motion which cut the ghost monsters in front of him in half.

Corey moved, wanting to kill the next set of ghost monsters but, he stopped, his eyes widened and, he cursed.

The ghost monsters he slashed in half became fully healed in a span of three seconds, like nothing ever happened to them, like Corey's attack was just an illusion.

It was then, Corey remembered that the ancient spear did not have ghost killing abilities. Maybe it was part of the abilities the old man sealed, he didn't know and it didn't matter at the moment since he definitely can't unseal or break one of the seals.

What mattered now was that, Corey only had one weapon that could kill ghost like entities and that was the Ghost Gloves, but the problem was that Corey was not proficient in hand to hand combat.

It's not that he never trained in it, it's just that he never focused so much on it since his first weapon was a dagger and his second, a spear. He also had The Foundation Spear Techniques which he had to train in repeatedly.

Just as he was conflicted on whether he should run back or continue fighting, he realized something troubling and something which he somewhat expected.

The black fog was corroding his body much faster than the stomach acid. His average regeneration was trying to keep up with the corrosion but anyone who could see it would know it could not.

Corey's skin was melting and it was melting fast.

Not only that, as Corey looked at the horde of hundreds of ghost monsters coming for him, he noticed there were at least 30 Tier 1 creatures in the army.

He exhaled softly then he returned the ancient spear into his inventory and ran to the incoming horde of ghost monsters.

His reason for making this foolish decision?

It was the same as before. He did not want to pin his hopes on luck.

So, he fought as he entered his focused state which could only last for 100 seconds.

Ten seconds passed, Corey had killed tens of ghost monsters but the bones of his flesh and arm were visible.

seconds passed, his clothes now looked like rag. The bones on his chest and back were visible, his fingers were also nothing but bones. Luckily his bones were made out of bronze so it could not be corroded easily.

seconds passed, a part of Corey's skull could be seen. Around him were hundreds of ghost monsters.

The distance between him and the heart?

At least 50m.

Corey whose eyes were becoming dim looked at the distant black heart. He looked around and saw the still numerous ghost monsters coming at him with a frenzied expression.

His eyes flickered slightly and he brought out the ancient spear.

Getting into a throwing stance, he threw the spear with so much force that it left holes inside the bodies of ghost monsters in it's path.

The spear whistled through the air, leaving behind hole ridden ghost monsters in it's path and it eventually reached the heart.

Corey seeing the spear reach the heart wanted to breathed a sigh of relief but then his face stiffened as a loud clang resounded in the surroundings.

His mouth was wide open as he looked at the spear which had fallen cause it could not pierce the abomination's heart. He could not help but wonder what the hell the heart was made out of.

Gritting his teeth he ran towards the heart, ignoring and dodging the ghost monsters.

After running for about 5m, the muscles in his legs tightened, tiny arcs of lightning appeared on his legs for an instant before it disappeared, then,


A loud thunderclap resounded everywhere and Corey's step increased greatly.

'First Step Of The Lightning Movement Art- Thunder Step'

Using the first step of the lightning movement art, Corey's speed soared and the distance between him and the heart reduced greatly.

But just as he got closer to the heart, the corrosion of the black fog increased in it's intensity and the number of tier 1 creatures in the surroundings increased.

Corey with cold and calm eyes looked at the tier 1 creatures which were coming towards him.

'Super jump'

When the distance between him and the incoming creatures reduced, he jumped using the skill, Super jump, going over most of the incoming creatures, but just as he was in the air, a bird type creature swooped in, the claws on it's legs looking like the claws of death.

With calm and indifferent eyes, he brought out the Twin Fog Swords from his inventory and threw at it the wings of the bird causing it to cry out in pain and fall.

After killing the bird, Corey landed and dodged or killed the remaining monsters which remained between him and the heart.

A few seconds later, he stood in front of the heart with a calm expression.

The black mist exuding directly from the black heart with purple lines on it was so strong that Corey looked more like a skeleton with barely any flesh on his body. Even his head had little flesh left.

Not only was his condition bad, no, terrible, the ghost monsters behind him which he didn't and couldn't kill were running towards him.

But despite his situation, Corey was still calm.He looked around and found the ancient spear not far away from him, so he picked it up and returned it to his spatial ring.

He then looked at the black heart in front of him then he exhaled and inhaled. He raised his right hand activated the incorporeal ability of the ghost gloves making his right hand to become translucent and well, incorporeal.

With a calm expression, he moved his right hand towards the heart and to his relief, his hands went through the heart.

He then deactivated the corporeal ability and brought out the ancient spear from his spatial ring which was on his right hand, which was in the heart of the Demi-Cosmic Fog Devourer.

The moment the ancient spear appeared in the heart of the abomination, Corey's surroundings shook intensely so much that Corey stumbled and almost fell, if not because his hand was inside the heart, he would have fallen.

He then heard an intense shriek of pain from outside as the surroundings continued to tremble intensely.

He looked behind him and saw that the ghost monsters were dissipating.

He looked back at the heart and he frowned slightly. With the ancient spear in his right hand, he pulled out his right hand causing lots of blood to gush out and also eliciting an intense shriek of pain from the abomination before it's scream disappeared entirely and everywhere became silent.


(Present Time)

Corey sighed as he remembered that particular fight against the Demi-Cosmic Fog Devourer. He had almost died and that was his most dangerous life and death experience ever since the apocalypse started.

Although it was dangerous and he almost died, like they say, with danger comes opportunity.

Right? (A/N: Nah, that's most likely wrong. Right?)

Apart from the soul stone and body of the Demi-Cosmic Fog Devourer, he got two things.

A skill crystal and an item.

The skill crystal contained the skill, Fog Manipulation which at level 1 made him control fog that was not controlled by any being or material.

After repeatedly training it to level 2, he was able to produce his own fog which he could control. He tried to increase it to level 3 but it was more difficult than he expected, so he could not.

The second thing he got was an item called The Devourer's Armor which was a growth item and also an orange grade item.

The Devourer's Armor was something that intrigued Corey.

When he found the item, it was not an armor but a crystal with a centipede inside.

At first he was confused on what it could be, so when he picked up the crystal, you could imagine the surprise he had when the Universal System told him it was an armor and asked him if he wanted to fuse with it, not only that, it was a defensive item, an armor.

Since he was curious, he fused with it and then he saw the crystal turn into ashes along with the centipede and a few seconds later, he felt his chest become itchy and when he looked at his chest, he saw a tattoo of a centipede on his chest.

After he saw the tattoo, he instinctively knew that the centipede tattoo was the armor and if he wanted to activate it, he had to use mana to activate it.

Corey activated it and let's just say he was speechless when he saw the actual armor on his body, not only that, when he checked what the armor could actually do through his status window, he was more speechless and stunned.


Sighing once again, Corey stood and walked out of the room which was directly above the ground floor of the dormitory. He walked down the stairs, ignoring the corpses of Smileys and students on the stairs.

After walking for some seconds he reached the ground floor of the dormitory and walked to the door. He looked at the numerous corpses of Smileys and Black Smileys with a frown.

"I'm guessing that bastard had something to do with this."

Clicking his tongue, he continued walking to the door and when he reached the door, he spoke once more.action

"Well, it doesn't matter now. Things would be different this time around if I meet him again."

After muttering to himself while looking down, he opened the door, but the moment he did, he heard voices.



"The fuck?"

Corey looked up and the moment he did, a stunned expression appeared on his face.

In front of him was a group of people and in this group were Kyle, Mat, Mac and Kyle's two pets.



[A/N: Important Information people, very important.

I want to say that there would be no more Bonus Chapters until next month due to me becoming more busy.

I'm hoping I'll not be so busy next month but if I am, well, it is what it is.

Another thing, volume 1 is almost coming to an end. At most 20 more chapters before it comes to an end and we go premium.

So get your Webnovel coins ready cause volume 2 is going to be really something else, trust me when I say this.

Also, I want to thank all of you that have been supporting my book by voting, commenting, leaving reviews and even gifts.

Thank you so much.

Have a great day/night y'all.]
